Wednesday, March 19, 2008


My Daughter in law Brittney & my Grandkids will be here on FRIDAY!!!!! I am sooooo excited!!! I have not seen them since Christmas! I just wish my Son could be here too! I love & miss him soooo much! it will be 7 months on tuesday since he died. The only thing that keeps us going is my grandkids of course & a beautiful little girl who is alive cuz of his liver!

I wish more people would be aware of organ donation. It really is an amazing thing. Not only for the recipients & there family, but for the donor family as well..... I have had the honor of getting to know the family of little girl who recieved my sons liver. It has helped us so much knowing that she is alive & enjoying life. she is truly an amazing little girl. she has A spunky attitude & is a ham for the camera. I am so glad her parents have a chance to experince life with her & love her. & knowing they have that chance because my son was her donor is an amazing feeling. I miss my son & love him very much & I am glad with all my heart that she is alive!!! "I LOVE & MISS YOU BUD.......More!"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our New Pet

My Husband & I have a new pet, that we absolutley hate!!! Well actually it's not are pet, but it sure seems to think so.
It is a Mocking bird that loves to sit out side our bedroom window in the tree & sing at 3:oo in the DANG MORNING!!! we have tried to get rid of it, but to know avail. Our nieghbor hears it too, & even went as far as to light of a PRECUSSION GRENADE!!!. The whole neighborhood came out to see what the explosion was. Did the bird fly away? NOOOOOO It just sat there in the tree & starting singing even louder. DANG BIRD!!!